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Diwali Celebration at Parliament Hill
Bhaktimarga Swami was invited in Ottawa - Nation's capital to speak about Diwali on 29th Oct. 2002. He met dignitaries like Joe Clark, Stockwell Day and Paul Martin. Traditional indian lamps were lit and a offering to the picture of  Srimati Laxmi devi -the goddess of fortune was made. Swami spoke about Diwali in his speech to the country's administrators.
World Youth Day
Pope John Paul II was visiting Toronto to inaugrate the World youth Day and to head the papal mass. Catholic and Muslim youths arranged a dialogue to understand each others faith and beliefs at the CNE ground. Among the crowd was Bhaktimarga Swami - perhaps the only non-catholic and non-muslim participant to attend. It was a great move from the part of Scarboro missions and the United Muslims to have organized such a dialogue. 

Inter-faith Universal Peace festival

Tenge-ling buddhist monastry organized a Universal Interfaith peace festival in the fall of  2002 as their annual event to promote universal love, peace and harmony. There were eight different religious groups participated. From the Jewish faith, Bahai, Hindu, Sikh were to name a few. The participation was great. A play was staged by the Buddhist group and a congregational chanting was done by the International society for Krishna Consciousness.